Adventist Organization
The Sentinel Library
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THE SENTINEL LIBARAY: A Monthly Publication, Treating on the Various Phases of The National Reform Movement, The Union of Church and State, and Civil and religious Liberty.
They're Back. The One Project Resuscitated: October 22, 2018 Fulcrum7 Staff
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"When the course of action is doing positive harm to the cause of truth and souls are imperiled, God requires that the warning be as broad as the injury done." 2 SM 153."These self-sent messengers are a curse to the cause. Honest souls put confidence in them, thinking that they are moving in the counsel of God and that they are in union with the church, and therefore suffer them to administer the ordinances, and, as duty is made plain that they must do their first works, allow themselves to be baptized by them. But when light comes, as it surely will, and they are aware that these men are not what they understood them to be, God's called and chosen messengers, they are thrown into trial and doubt as to the truth they have received and feel that they must learn it all over again; they are troubled and perplexed by the enemy about all their experience, whether God has led them or not, and are not satisfied until they are again baptized and begin anew. It is much more wearing to the spirits of God's messengers to go into places where those have been who have exerted this wrong influence than to enter new fields. God's servants have to deal plainly, act openly, and not cover up wrongs; for they are standing between the living and the dead and must render an account of their faithfulness, their mission, and the influence they exert over the flock of which the Lord has made them overseers." {EW 99.1} -
No, There is Nothing Holy About Yoga: By ChurchMouse – Article taken from Fulcum7 Website. July 6, 2017
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***Facts of Faith has many articles dealing with this Mystical Practice of Yoga seducing the Christian Church. In my Bible Study Section Folder, there is a complete folder on Yoga, titled “Warning: When the Eastern Religion (YOGA) Seduces the Christian Church." I invite you to view the articles by Jessica Smith, A Reiki Master. She was the highest obtainable level in Yoga, and her testimony on how bad Yoga is.
REDEMPTION: on the FIRST ADVENT OF CHRIST, With His Life and Ministry: By Mrs. E. G. White, - Life of Christ. No. 1., 1883
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It is very evident to all who hear Mrs. White that her mind has been visited by heavenly illuminations, which have qualified her to present the facts in the history of the Life of Christ in connection with the great plan of human redemption in a clear light. One thing in particular will impress the reader, that the writer of these little books presents many beautiful thoughts which are not expressed in other writings of the kind. And these thoughts are so very natural in their connections with the great subject, so simple, plain, and beautiful, that the reader will often inquire why he has not before thought of them. -
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NEXT to the two chief characters of the Old and New Testaments, Moses and Jesus Christ, the apostle Paul, through his labors and writings, has had more influence upon the world than any other person. The call of this remarkable man, and his being commission~:;d to go to the Gentiles, marked an era in the progress of the gospel. The reader will be pleased to read the following thoughts upon this subject, from one so well qualified to write upon it, as the author of this work. -
REDEMPTION: or the MINISTRY OF PETER and the TEACHINGS OF PAUL: By Mrs. E. G. WHITE., Apostles of Christ, 1 & 2. - 1878.
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To all who are interested in the service of God, and the progress of the church on earth, the history of the work of the apostles furnishes a chapter of peculiar attractions. History, it is said, repeats itself. So the experience of the church repeats itself; and in the experiences of the apostles we read, in many particulars, our own. To those who have read the series of pamphlets on the Life of Christ, by the same author, we need say nothing about the chaste and impressive style in which the matter is presented, nor the new and striking thoughts which by the casual thinker would be unperceived. We commend this to the reader as a valuable help in understanding the lessons the Scriptures would teach us in "That they have recorded of the lives and experiences of these servants of God.
The Unwise Use of Money and the Spirit of Speculation: By Ellen G. White, 1911, Special Testimonies Series B, No. 17
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Introductory NoteThe spirit of speculation is ever increasing. The desire to ·acquire riches quickly by speculative methods is growing even among Seventh-day Adventists. There is reason to believe that during the last ·thirty years, more than one hundred thousand dollars has been lost by our brethren through their· investments in mines and mining stock, and in various manufacturing enterprises, which have been recommended by their friends as providential opportunities to acquire means rapidly for the furtherance of the gospel. A warning is needed, and recent occurrences have called it forth, as presented in the following pages. W. C. WHITE.And today our church leaders are still gambling with God's money in the stock market. -
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NOTE TO THE READER.The Miracles of Christ are of such vast importance, in evidencing his divine power, and in impressing his moral lessons upon the minds of the people, that it is with pleasure the Publishers present to their readers this little book to aid them in their perusal of the mighty miracles of Christ, as set forth in the Gospels. This work, together with the Ministry and Teachings of Christ, as contained in former pamphlets of this series by the same author, forms a study that cannot fail to profit the candid reader. -
The Greatest Conspiracy: By Neil C. Livingston
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A Word To the Reader:Historical and theological works penned by laymen who do not have the IMPRIMATUR of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are often accused of quoting Ellen White and others “out of context.” For this reason, the author has chosen to place all references at the end of each quotation, rather than in traditional endnotes, hoping that the reader will be encouraged to look up the references and consider the original source in context. -
A Doctrinal Cathechism; Catholic Faith and Practice Assailed By Modern Heretics: By Rev. Stephen Keenan., -1848
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Preface of book: With many Protestants it is vain to argue; their preconceived notions of Catholic doctrine are such, as to prevent them infusion of the smallest portion of Catholic truth. Their teachers have been for three hundred years employed, not in refuting the true Catholic doctrine, but in inventing calumnies against, and publishing misrepresentations of Catholicism, and then amusing their audiences with a refutation, not of the Catholic religion, but of these absurd Protestant forgeries, and " ingenious devices," which they themselves have fraudulently palmed upon the public as the genuine doctrines of the Church of Rome. -
Another Jesus: By Allen Roesch
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Is there any possibility whatsoever that large numbers of conservative, Spirit of Prophecy loving Seventh-day Adventists have, unbeknown to them, accepted 'another Jesus'? Before you give your answer, consider a few facts. We are told that there are more than a hundred million angels before the throne of God: "And I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders (4 beasts & 24 elders, v.8) and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands." {Revelation 5: 11; See Daniel 7:10 also}