FEDS DEFINE AMERICAN TERRORISTS ; By former Phoenix Police Department Intelligence Officer, Jack McLamb, Ret.
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This article will accomplish at least two objectives. First, it will inform county sheriffs that one day they may very well be asked to help round up average, everyday citizens who disagree in some fashion with the national/international government. Secondly, it will serve as one more example of how the federal agencies can cause chaos in a sheriff's county.
EVERTHING IS SPYING ON YOU; By Paul Joseph Watson Monday, March 26, 2012
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CIA Chief - David Petraeus has hailed the Internet of things as a transformational boon for clandestine tradecraft. In other words, it will soon be easier than ever before to keep tabs on the population since everything they use will be connected to the web, with total disregard for privacy considerations. The spooks won't have to plant a bug in your home, you will be doing it for them.
The GAYstapo Wants To Have Christians Arrested; Written on March 12, 2012 at 11:37 am by Tim Brown.
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These statements appeared live on BBC's Question Time. They would just a soon see Bible believing Christians in prison and if they had their way executed. They only speak of love in terms of sex. While there probably are some homosexuals who do care for their partners, it is then betrayed by the fact that they engage them romantically and sexually, thus showing a hatred of them.
Saudi Grand Mufti: 'Destroy All Churches' By Rachel Hirshfeld ,- First Publish: 3/16/2012, 3:13 PM
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Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region."
Ibrahim noted the inherent hypocrisy in the Grand Mufti quoting the hadith as reason to destroy churches, whereas, when non-Muslims do so they are accused of being Islamophobes, of intentionally slandering and misrepresenting Islam, of being obstacles on the road to dialogue." -
Will U.S. Troops Fire On American Citizens? By Avalon & Shepard Ambellas April 1, 2012
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The following survey was given to U.S. Marines at the 29 Palms Marine Corps base in California: "I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government."
Rethinking America's Supreme Court Judicial Dictatorship; By Thomas J. DiLorenzo - March 28, 2012
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Thomas Jefferson as writing on August 13, 1800 that: "Our country is too large to have all its affairs conducted by a single government." Such a vast country detaches the people from their political representatives, which "will invite the public servants to corruption, plunder & waste,"
Can the Secret Service Tell You To Shut Up? By Andrew P. Napolitano
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The First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits the government from infringing upon the freedom of speech, the freedom of association and the freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Last week, President Obama signed into law the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. This law permits Secret Service agents to designate any place they wish as a place where free speech, association and petition of the government are prohibited. And it permits the Secret Service to make these determinations based on the content of speech. -
Obama Lawyer Admits Forgery but disregards image as Indication of Obama's Ineligibility Damage Control; By Tea Party Tribune
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Obama's lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama's birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is irrelevant to his placement on the ballot.
Eco-Fascism Its Teeth: Global Warming Alarmist Wants To Barcode Babies; By Paul Joseph Watson, Wednesday, May 23, 2012.
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Global warming alarmist Elizabeth Moon's call for all babies to be forcibly implanted with a microchip to ensure that anonymity would be impossible is yet another startling example of eco-fascism baring its teeth.