Bible Studies


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    Warning: When the Eastern Religion (YOGA) Seduces the Christian Church: (Sermon) By LeRoy Jackson

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    This is a sermon I did involving YOGA and the Christian church, and the danger of it. I converted it to pdf for you to see its dangers. I also have the PowerPoint here too if you want that version of it also.

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    Warning: When the Eastern Religion (YOGA) Seduces the Christian Church: By LeRoy Jackson

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    This is a sermon I did “Warning: When the Eastern Religion Seduces the Christian Church”. I have it in two formats here, this is the PowerPoint presentation version, and the other is in PDF viewing. You can download it and read it in a PowerPoint reader or if you have Microsoft Office .

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    What Is Meditation? By Jessica Smith

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    Two antithetical definitions of meditation are being increasingly confused as the same term in today’s society. It is important this confusion be cleared, as one leads to a path of Biblical understanding, and the other leads to pagan spiritualism.

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    Jessica Smith with her Story (Testimoney) - regarding Yoga: By Jessica Smith

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    I spent nearly a decade immersed in the study of meditative traditions from Buddhism to Yoga after slowly slipping away from my childhood foundation in Christianity during my rebellious popularity-seeking teenage years. I was a Yoga Teacher and Master level Reiki practitioner before the Lord revealed the truth behind these spiritual practices to me in the most loving and terrifying way. [Her Testimony]

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    What Is Reiki? by Jessica Smith

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    Reiki is a spiritual “healing” art in which powers are invoked from the spiritual realm to enter the body of the Reiki practitioner and be channeled through and transferred into specific areas in the subject’s body for purposes of healing.

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    What Does the Bible Say? The Teachings of Yoga and the Bible are Antithetical: By Jessica Smith

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    I urge you to take the study of Biblical scripture upon yourself. Please note I do not encourage you to dig deeper into Yogic teaching simply because the Lord warns us not to dig into pagan teachings (Deuteronomy 12:30, Romans 16:19). They are designed to be a trap. Becoming fascinated with other teachings can lead to becoming ensnared by them and also take us away from what the Lord wants us to be focusing on in the first place: studying HIS word and drawing closer to him.

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    Salvation - Why Jesus?: By Jessica Smith

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    Through an act of faithless disobedience many years ago, sin entered the world as the two first humans decided to go against what God had specifically instructed them, and instead followed what they wanted to believe. The book of Genesis tells us that Satan told Eve she would not surely die if she ate the fruit God warned would kill her, but instead she would gain the knowledge of God. Satan implied to Eve that God was keeping knowledge from her, but if she disobeyed God and followed his instructions instead, she would learn real “knowledge.” The same trap still ensnares today: the lie that says one may discover “truths” and be more like God by following paths the Lord strictly warns against such as divination and channeling of “energies,” and paying homage to other deities, spirits, or gods.

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    Yoga poses are offerings to Hindu gods? Did you know that yoga poses are offerings to the 330 million Hindu gods? By George P. Alexander, Ph.D

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    Who is Shiva? 
    While Hinduism recognizes millions of gods (and yoga poses are “offerings to the 330 million Hindu gods”), the trinity of chief Hindu gods includes Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (destroyer). According to Websters, Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction and rebirth. Shiva is Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara) – according to Bhagavad-Gita And the first Hatha Yoga teacher – according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika The Hatha Yoga Pradipika (HYP) is a classic text for Hatha yoga (the type of yoga taught in fitness centers and many churches). According to this text, “The (real) Yogi becomes the creator and destroyer of the universe, like God.” Ch. 4.76, HYP Yoga is motivated by a spirit that inspires self-deification — with a promise of reincarnation. That sounds familiar!!!

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    TRUTH ABOUT YOGA –Protecting Our Kids With The Truth.

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    You are reading this website, so maybe you wonder why a group of parents in the Encinitas school district are concerned about yoga replacing P.E. and why we are educating others to discover the true facts about yoga in our district and beyond. On the surface it may seem like a helpful way to stretch, breathe, and calm a busy mind; but is it just that?

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    Yoga: Fact - Sheet

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    *Hinduism is the world's oldest surviving religion with a billion practitioners, making it the third largest world religion. Many Hindus believe that Brahman is God," or the infinite, all pervading divine reality behind everything in the universe. Atman, universal spirit, or one's Self, is an aspect of Brahman. Many schools of Hinduism teach paths (or yogas) for realizing one's union with the divine, or the equivalence of Self (Atman) and Whole (Brahman).

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