Bible Studies


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    The Devil's Test Run: By Ron Woolsey

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    Question: Could it be that Satan is presently conducting a test run for his final and full frontal assault on the moral law of God? Are we witnessing today, throughout the world and every echelon of society, including the church, unprecedented spiritual warfare against the first institution created in Eden, in preparation for the ultimate attack against the second one? Very inlightening.

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    GOD WROTE WITH HIS OWN FINGER... The Ten Commandments

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    "Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Rev. 14:12

    Read how the Ten Commandments are still in effect today

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    Did Ellen G. White urge the church to ordain women? By Women Ministry Truth

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    Her authority was in the messages God gave her rather than in any position the church gave her. She specifically rejected the idea of a leadership position in the church. “It is not right for you to suppose that I am striving to be first, striving for leadership. . . . I want it to be understood that I have no ambition to have the name of leader, or any other name that may be given me, except that of a messenger of God. I claim no other name or position” (Letter 320, 1905; Manuscript Release #340). “I am not to appear before the people as holding any other position than that of a messenger with a message” ( Testimonies for the Church , vol. 8, p. 237).

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    God’s Last Effort To Awaken His People: By Elder A.M. Dart, - 1929?

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    The final call out of Babylon will be given by those who “Obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord, and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.”—E. W., p. 71

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    Baptism: By Joe Crews

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    How should a person be baptized in order to meet the Bible requirements of salvation?

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    Did God Create the Devil?

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    Most people in the world are being deceived by an evil genius bent on destroying their lives - a brilliant mastermind called the devil, or Satan. But this dark prince is much more than what you might think... many say he's just a devious mythical figure, but the Bible says he's very real, and he's deceiving families, churches, and even nations to increase sorrow and pain. Here are the Bible's amazing facts about this prince of darkness and how you can overcome him!

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    Authorship and Dates for Scriptures

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    Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Psalms 119:160

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    What is a Seventh - day Adventist: By Dennis Priebe

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    A number of years ago the Seventh-day Adventist Church voted to have twenty-seven brief statements describing the beliefs held in common by members of the denomination. Anyone becoming a member of the Adventist Church must state that he or she is in agreement with these twenty-seven statements. Do these statements define the essence of Adventism? Have we gotten to the heart of Adventism by reading these statements?

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    Current Issues in Justification: By Dennis Priebe

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    Is justification forgiveness only, or is it more than that? This paper states the Biblical teaching on justification by faith, and analyzes recent developments in the Adventist Church concerning this doctrine.

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    Current Issues in Sanctification: By Dennis Priebe

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    Can sanctification be fully experienced in one's lifetime? This paper studies the Biblical teaching on sanctification by faithnd analyzes recent developments in the Adventist Church concerning this doctrine.

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