Bible Studies


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    Christ and the Sabbath

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    THOSE who oppose the Bible Sabbath center their attack on three points, claiming (1) that the Sabbath was not instituted at creation, and hence is not an original law for the whole human family; (2) that the Sabbath commandment is not a moral command as the other nine, but was a part of the Jewish ceremonial law; (3) that Christ or the apostles abolished the Sabbath, and gradually substituted the first day of the week in its place. We shall now test these propositions one by one.

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    Christs Special Sign

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    How do we worship Christ as the Creator? Has He left a memorial of His creative activity?
    Exodus 20:8-11; Wasn't the Sabbath given only for the Jews? Mark 2:27, 28

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    Sunday in the Early Church

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    THE word Sunday is not found in the Bible, but the first day of the week is mentioned just nine times. Let us examine these nine texts.

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    Sabbath Reform in Scandinavia

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    THERE were many Sabbath-keepers in Norway even in the days of Catholicism. The Sabbath seems to have been brought to the Scandinavian countries partly by the Waldenses, and partly as a direct work of the Spirit of God.

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    Pre existence of Jesus; by LeRoy Jackson

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    Jesus: Yahweh’s Salvation ( The Saviour)
    Christ: the Messiah (the Anointed One)
    Son of God—God the Son

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    WHY JESUS DIED; by LeRoy Jackson

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    There are two Laws spoken of in the Bible. (1) The Moral Law of the Ten Commandments which is perfect and stands fast forever. See Exodus 20 and Ps. 111:7,8. And (2) The Ceremonial Laws – Sacrifices and Ordinances which pointed to Christ and were done away with at His cross. See Hebrews 9:10 and Col. 2:14.

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    Hebrews 1:1-4 in several Bible Versions

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    Compare Hebrews 1:1-4 (Pre-existence of Jesus) in several Bible Versions

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    Doesn’t Paul say that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord?

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    If we aren’t careful, we might end up twisting Paul’s writings to our own destruction.

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    God's Commandment-Keeping Church Today

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    Christ tells us three times in His Book of Revelations to keep His Commandments. Rev. 12:17 Keep God's Commandments and have the testimony of Christ. Rev. 14:12 His patient saints keep His Commandments, and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 22:14 Blessed are they that do His Commandments, have the right to the tree of life, and enter the gates of the city.
    Friends thats all ten of them, His chosen one's will be obedient.

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    If Jesus Christ be not God There is (NO) Saviour (NO) Hope for Mankind; By LeRoy Jackson

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    God the Father and God the Son both being part of the same Godhead naturally use the same titles or names. God the father said…

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